Scale the       

IP Industry  

Find and connect with IP dealmakers with ScaleIP, a new way to commercialize any IP.

Used by 200+ IP dealmakers at companies, government labs, universities, and hospitals.

"A game changer for tech transfer offices." ★★★★★

"ScaleIP team is focused on product features we have been requesting for years." ★★★★★

"Great way to quickly scope out the field and find new leads" ★★★★★

"We save time, money, and effort!" ★★★★★

"This tool fills one of the largest gaps offices face." ★★★★★

"Finally, a tool has arrived specifically to help align and find affinity relationships for licensing our IP assets" ★★★★★

"I can go from patent input to email contact output in 15 minutes, nothing else touches that!" ★★★★★

"You can literally get new prospects for marketing outreach in minutes." ★★★★★

"Super responsive team that listens and responds to feedback right away!" ★★★★★

"Beautifully streamlines the marketing process by quickly providing a list of possibly interested candidates." ★★★★★

"Quickly identifies promising leads and potential market applications" ★★★★★

"ScaleIP is a robust tool that serves as my pocket license marketing assistant!" ★★★★★

"This product gives us a great starting point for our marketing efforts. It gives us substantial leads versus a company that comes up with a google search." ★★★★★

"ScaleIP helps us discover companies with similar IP to the ones we market, which would otherwise not have been discovered. Simple and easy to use tool!" ★★★★★

"I can immediately see the value add for our organization." ★★★★★

"Powerful tool to start the process of discovery on a new disclosure" ★★★★★

"A game changer for tech transfer offices." ★★★★★ "ScaleIP team is focused on product features we have been requesting for years." ★★★★★ "Great way to quickly scope out the field and find new leads" ★★★★★ "We save time, money, and effort!" ★★★★★ "This tool fills one of the largest gaps offices face." ★★★★★ "Finally, a tool has arrived specifically to help align and find affinity relationships for licensing our IP assets" ★★★★★ "I can go from patent input to email contact output in 15 minutes, nothing else touches that!" ★★★★★ "You can literally get new prospects for marketing outreach in minutes." ★★★★★ "Super responsive team that listens and responds to feedback right away!" ★★★★★ "Beautifully streamlines the marketing process by quickly providing a list of possibly interested candidates." ★★★★★ "Quickly identifies promising leads and potential market applications" ★★★★★ "ScaleIP is a robust tool that serves as my pocket license marketing assistant!" ★★★★★ "This product gives us a great starting point for our marketing efforts. It gives us substantial leads versus a company that comes up with a google search." ★★★★★ "ScaleIP helps us discover companies with similar IP to the ones we market, which would otherwise not have been discovered. Simple and easy to use tool!" ★★★★★ "I can immediately see the value add for our organization." ★★★★★ "Powerful tool to start the process of discovery on a new disclosure" ★★★★★

Turn IP Transaction Data Into Insights

Connect with the right IP decision-makers easier and faster.

IP Monetization Software

Driven by AI and Intent Data


Teams gain efficiencies and savings

Time savings

Go to market faster, saving effort & labor costs.

More IP marketed

Faster outreach enables teams to market more IP.



Annual savings

Say ‘no’ to 1-3 more patent; save on budget costs.


Contacts reached

Teams expand their industry relationships.