Find companies in the market for your IP.
Discover and engage with IP dealmakers.
Powered by AI. Fueled with intent data.
Join the community for IP Dealmakers.
Go to Market Faster with
Targeted & Intelligent Data
The Power of Intent
How does ScaleIP use intent data?
Discover how ScaleIP’s intent data connects you with companies already licensing IP in your niche.
Streamline Your Workflows
Build Your List
Find the companies and contacts that are active in your industry.
Assess Technical Fit
Gain a deeper understanding of how your IP fits a prospect’s needs.
Customize Outreach
Personalize your messaging to the right contacts using intent data.
Track & Monitor
Measure outreach results for more effective engagement.
Market More IP Faster
Driven by AI and Intent Data
Give your team the efficiency and savings edge they need.
Time savings
Go to market faster, saving effort & labor costs.
More IP marketed
Faster outreach enables teams to market more IP.
Annual savings
Say ‘no’ to 1-3 more patent; save on budget costs.
Contacts reached
Teams expand their industry relationships.